The correct uniform is an important part of school life at New Silksworth Academy. Our uniform gives the children a sense of pride and belonging, every day they are in school.
Our uniform supplier is Elizabeth's Embroidery.
(For current uniform prices see below link)
Click here to access our uniform supplier website.
Our uniform is the same across the Infant and Junior academies. All children should wear a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with dark grey trousers or skirt. In summer children can wear a blue summer dress or grey shorts.
All children should wear black 'school shoes'. Trainers are not allowed. Children must not wear jewellery as this can impact upon safety as they take part in school activities. Children may wear a watch but this must be removed for PE and the watch remains the responsibility of the child.
PE kit consists of black or navy shorts and white t-shirt. All children are allowed to wear black plimsolls. It would be helpful if children had a named bag to keep their footwear and PE kit in. In the winter months children may wear tracksuit trousers and a sweatshirt if their PE lesson is outside.
It is really helpful if all items of uniform are named as this helps us ensure any lost items are returned to their owner!