Mental Well-being
Well-Being Charter Mark
The Wellbeing team within New Silksworth Academy are committed to supporting the social, emotional and mental health of all children across our school community. We hold this as a value rooted within everything that we do and we are keen to develop this work further.
Social and emotional well-being can be defined as ‘a state of positive mental health and wellness. It involves a sense of optimism, confidence, happiness, clarity, validity, self-worth, achievement, having a meaning and purpose, engagement, having supportive and satisfying relationships with others and understanding oneself, and responding effectively to one’s own emotions.’
There is already practice at New Silksworth Academy to promote well-being for all young people, understanding and responding to difficulties as they emerge and provide support to our children and their families.
We have a dedicated Wellbeing Team who focus on ensuring wellbeing support is available for all those who are involved in life at NSA. Our staff team is made up of Mrs Robins (Headteacher), Mrs Potts (School Inclusion Officer), Miss Green (Senior Mental Health Lead) and Sophie Clinton (Mental Health Governor). We also have a dedicated team of pupils known as the Wellbeing Warriors who work across both the infant and junior academies to support with and promote pupil wellbeing.
Mental Health Charter Mark - June 2023