Physical Health
We know at New Silksworth Academy that it is vital to ensure that our children are taught the characteristics of good physical and mental health. In this section we will outline what provision we have in place for physical health in school. Read through the tab below for further information on mental health and well-being.
Physical health and fitness
Children at NSA partake in 1-2 hours of timetabled PE every week, led by their teachers and a qualified sports coach. Within these sessions, children take part in a wide range of physical activities that link to the national curriculum. Our KS2 pupils also go swimming at a local secondary school. Our aim is to expose children to a wide range of physical activities so that they find something that this becomes part of their everyday life.
Children also engage in physical active play during OPAL time on the playground. Our children are encouraged to explore different activities such as climbing, tyre rolling, sports games, digging and more. Ensuring that movement and exercise become part of our everyday routine. Please read more about this in our Outdoor play and learning section of the website.
We have a wide variety of after-school sports clubs every night of the week, available for both KS1 and KS2 children. NSA also buy into the SLA offer ran by the local School Games Organiser, where all year groups attend a variety of active events across the year.
NSA also encourage children to be active through our 'Active 15 Challenge'. For the challenge, children are encouraged to be active for 15 minutes in the classroom every day; we achieve this through dance and group workouts.
Through PSHE and Science lessons, we teach children about the benefits of physical exercise and the consequences of inactivity and how this affects our health. Our sports coach also works with targeted children, supporting them in engaging active healthy lifestyles. In school we have play leaders, the PESSPA leads and the SIO that promote health and fitness and are available to support children when needed.
Healthy eating
Healthy eating is taught through out PSHE and Science curriculum. Within these the children are taught what constitutes a healthy diet (differentiated to their curriculum level), and the risks of a poor diet and unhealthy eating. The children are also visited by the school nurse each year who discusses the effect of exercise and healthy eating on your overall health, your mental health and negative impacts such as tooth decay and obesity.
In our DT curriculum, we have planned our cooking and nutrition element to ensure children are taught to cook/make nutritious, healthy food. For example, yogurts, fruit salads, soup, casserole.
Through PSHE, children are taught about legal and illegal harmful substances such as alcohol and smoking.
Basic First Aid
Our Year 6 pupils were visited by the British Red Cross early this year who taught them some essential first aid skills.
Health and Prevention
The PSHE and Science curriculum both outline how the school teaches the children the importance of sleep, how to stay safe in the sun, healthy routines such as washing hands, brushing teeth, and having good personal hygiene.
Our headteacher is an ambassador for MelanomaMe and is keen to educate about sun safety. We share the MelanomaMe video and PowerPoint in school for our children to educate them on the importance of staying safe in the sun. In addition, we regularly communicate with parents through Class dojo.
Our EYFS pupils are taking part in an NHS tooth brushing scheme. All children are given a toothbrush and toothpaste and are required to brush their teeth once a day in school. Good oral hygiene is also taught through visits from the school nurse and within the Year 4 science curriculum.
In school we have posters to remind children of the importance of washing hands to stop spreading germs, we have antibacterial handwash available in all areas of school. We encourage the children to wash their hands regularly. In Year 2, the children carry out experiments to show the effects of germs and how these can spread if not treated.
In upper key stage 2 the children learn about vaccinations, immunisations and allergies as well as learning to manage change in their own bodies and how to identify early signs of illness.
Changing adolescent body
In upper key stage 2, children are taught about puberty and changes that they will face, particularly from 9-11, including physical and mental changes. Children are taught about menstrual well-being and key facts about the menstrual cycle. The children are visited by the school nurse and children are given the opportunity to ask questions in a safe environment.