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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development


Our aspirations form the basis of everything we do here at New Silksworth Academy.


 Our learning behaviours (#WeAreInspiring, ~WeAreAmbitious, #WeAreResilient,  #WeAreCompassionate, #WeAreCollaborative, #WeAreCurious, #WeAreCreative)  work alongside and integrate fully with the aims of SMSC. We recognise that the academic development of students of all ages is improved when their personal development (including the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects) are fully supported. 


Spiritual Development

Through the teaching of Spiritual Development at NSA we aim to:


  • Develop students’ ability to reflect on their beliefs and those of others around them. Our RE curriculum ensures that the children are exposed to a wide range of beliefs. Through developing understanding and challenging stereotypes, our RE curriculum enables children to develop greater respect and empathy for others so our children will live and work well with people with differing beliefs.
  • Develop students’ ability to show empathy, respect and tolerance toward people holding different values and beliefs to them. This links closely to our learning behaviour #WeAreCompassionate. Teaching opportunities to be compassionate are incorporated in our curriculum and children are rewarded for showing this skill in our celebration assemblies.
  • Cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. We strengthen this through the use of Lyfta and NowPressPlay. We allow the children to experience things that they wouldn’t necessarily access through the use of imaginative imagery.
  • Develop students’ confidence to explore deep and provoking questions. This links closely to our #WeAreCurious behaviour. Children are encouraged to ask questions across the curriculum. Opportunties are built into the curriculum for children to follow interests are research further to deepen understanding. In PSHE lessons, we encourage children to take part in thought-proving debates where they can challenge and develop their own voice, opinions and confidence.
  • Develop students’ ability to self-reflect on their experiences, feelings, thoughts and actions. This is done both verbally and through written reflections in our learning journal.


Moral development

Through the teaching of Moral Development we aim to:


  • Develop students’ ability to distinguish between right and wrong by critically assessing their actions and those of others, and in doing so, respect the civil and criminal law of England. This is explicitly taught through the PSHE curriculum (see above) . In addition, teachers are diligent and ensure they reinforce this learning throughout the school day when opportunities arise. For children who need extra support, additional thrive groups are offered to support their development.
  • Teach students to accept responsibility for their actions and understand the consequences of their behaviours and actions, and understand that this applies to the digital environment. Our school has a clear behaviour policy that the children follow. They understand what is expected from them and the consequences of not following our rules. Children are taught about appropriate behaviours online through the PSHE and Computing curriculum. In addition, support is frequently shared with parents and carers through ClassDojo.
  • Develop students’ ability to make informed and independent decisions across a range of moral, ethical and environmental issues.
  • Develop students’ sense of integrity and honesty.


Social Development


The aims of Cultural Development at NSA are to:


  • Develop students’ ability to operate in diverse communities.
  • Prepare students for the structures and systems which exist in different aspects of society through teaching the fundamental British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect (see British Values for further information).
  • Promote community identity and a sense of belonging within the Academy environment.
  • Use the British Values to promote social cohesion amongst students within the Academy and with other peers in students’ external communities.
  • Develop students’ ability to make positive contributions to their society through participation in volunteering and other service activities.


Cultural Development

The aims of Cultural Development at NSA are to:


  • Recognise similarities and differences between different communities and appreciate how this contributes to a richer society in modern Britain.
  • Reflect on the cultural influences which have influenced their development, and how this may differ amongst their peers.
  • Encourage students to recognise the value of cultural diversity in a range of environments including local communities and workplaces.
  • Understand Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and its role in shaping British history and values.
  • Develop a positive disposition in students toward exploring and engaging with different faiths.
  • Encourage students to participate in a range of artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities from a wide range of different cultural backgrounds.