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Children in KS1 are taught to develop their understanding of themselves and to become active members of our school community. They learn to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and to behave well. Children are given responsibilities in school such as head boy and head girl, school councilors and line monitors. Our head boy and head girl take on additional responsibly in school such as ensuring cloakrooms are tidy and giving out stickers in our #WeAre celebration assembly.

We are committed to developing the confidence and a sense of responsibility in the children we teach. This is done by teaching children to recognize what they like and dislike, to recognize when something is fair or unfair and what is right and wrong. We empower our children to learn from experiences and to develop strategies to resolve issues. Children are taught about emotions and feelings and how to deal with these in a positive way. Through the use of our school journals and PSHE lessons we encourage children to recognize what they are good at, learn from experiences and think about what they can do next to develop further. Each term the children work closely with parents and their teachers to set simple goals for themselves.

We teach children to take an active role as a citizen by establishing school and class rules that the children agree to and follow. We actively encourage children to take part in discussion and debates with others by posing questions within lessons. The children develop good speaking and listening skills as well as learning to be empathetic to others. School takes part in national charity events such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day and children are encouraged to understand the needs of others. Children are taught about plastic pollution and its effect on the ocean through their curriculum and with stories such as ‘The Day the Ocean went away’.

Children are taught about ways of keeping safe within school. Each year, the children are reminded of water safety. Our EYFS children are taught about people who keep us safe and we have visitors in school such as policemen, firefighters and nurses.  In Nursery, children are taught the importance of oral health and brushing their teeth. Children brush their teeth twice a day in school. Our year 1s complete a project to ensure they know how to stay safe beside roads.  In science, children carry out experiments to investigate the importance of personal hygiene and the spread of infection. In PSHE, children are taught to recognize household chemicals and medicines and how these can be harmful if not used properly. 



We appoint leadership teams within school such as Head Boy/Girl, student council, anti-bullying ambassadors, eco warriors and well-being warriors. These children represent their peers in a range of activities. Our leadership team are given responsibilities within school so that they are active citizens within our school environment e.g. play leaders, office helpers, media support.

Our leadership team organise and implement their own charity fund-raiser for a charity of their choice. The children take responsibility of planning, implementation and evaluating. The citizenship curriculum helps children explore and develop attitudes and values to become informed, active and responsible citizens. It also develop political literacy and explore social and moral issues, distinguish right from wrong and to make a positive contribution to their local, national and global communities.

In KS2, we continue to develop children’s sense of responsibility and confidence in themselves. Children use their school journals regularly to be reflective and set individual goals that they can work towards as well as celebrate achievements and success. Children develop their understanding of rules and laws future and begin to understand how rules change in different situations. Opportunities are provided for children to further their understanding of democracy and rule of law. Each year an election takes place in school which includes canvasing, debates and voting to appoint our pupil leadership team. Those appointed take on a vital role in school and support staff to develop our OPAL programme, fundraise and actively share the opinions and views of the children in school. School takes part in national charity events such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day and children are encouraged to understand the needs of others. Our pupil leadership teams take an active role in the organization of these.

Children are encouraged to understand views of others that are different to themselves through PSHE and through the use of Lyfta allowing children to reflect on spiritual, moral, social, and cultural issues of others. Developing both physical and mental health is extremely important to us. Through the curriculum, children are taught the importance of exercise and healthy eating. We encourage children to take part in sporting events, encourage children to make healthy food choices at lunch and often reflect on mental health. All staff take opportunities throughout the week to teach children mindfulness, coping strategies and develop their ability to manage emotions. We also have a dedicated thrive team that support children within school. Our PSHE curriculum is designed to empower children to recognise different risks and pressures around them and decide how to behave in response. 


Our curriculum is designed so that when children leave NSA, they have confidence in themselves and their ability, are able to participate in school life and take responsibility for their actions, have developed positive, strong relationships, are tolerant and respectful of others and are prepared for the changes in their lives as they move into Secondary school.